Private rental sector now twice the size it was 12 years ago

The private rental sector in England has doubled in size since 2004, according to the English Housing Survey. Find out more
16,000 new London homes could be built on empty garage land

Vacant garage space could be turned into 16,000 affordable homes by London councils.
Buy-to-let landlords moving towards commercial property and HMOs to beat tax

UK landlords are taking steps to offset tax hikes by converting properties to HMOs.
Buy-to-let tax relief changes drive landlords to set up limited companies

Landlords are moving to hike up rents and set up companies for their properties to limit impact of tax relief changes
Why window blinds put young tenants at risk

Private sector landlords risk prosecution if they fail to comply with safety requirements for blinds and curtains in rental properties
One in four UK property purchases in third quarter of this year was buy-to-let or second home

Buy-to-let or second homes account for one in four property purchases in the third quarter of 2016.
Do you admit to being a landlord?

Why one in five private sector landlords are too embarrassed to admit they provide a home for an estimated 4.3 million UK households
New carbon monoxide safety standard

A new report claims that landlords could do more to prevent fire, gas and carbon monoxide deaths and injuries
Should I purchase a buy-to-let property in London?

I can afford to a buy-to-let investment in London, but should I go ahead with the purchase? Denhan Guaranteed Rent has the answer
Landlords face income tax trap

Latest UK House Price Index indicates current value of rental homes in London