Official UK house prices data shows value of your rental property in London

Latest UK House Price Index indicates current value of rental homes in London
Landlords cash in on Pokemon craze

Landlords in London use craze for playing Pokemon Go as a selling point for rooms and flats.
Chancellor could help buy-to-let landlords

Call goes out for new Chancellor Philip Hammond to suspend the 3% stamp duty surcharge that property investors have faced paying since April
MP calls for landlord tax break

Conservative MP wants to extend 20% capital gains tax rate to landlords when they sell investment property to tenants.
Young tenants pay 57% of income on rent

New research shows the average cost of renting a one-bed home in the capital is now £1133 per month
New London mayor makes living rents pledge

Why the capital’s private landlords have little reason to fear Sadiq Khan’s pre-election property pledge to introduce longer-term tenancies