Landlords still confident in buy-to-let

59% of landlords remain confident in the buy-to-let market, according to a new survey from Knight Knox.
Continued fall in buy-to-let mortgage rates

Buy-to-let mortgage competition is strong and this looks set to continue, as research reveals some positives for UK landlords.
3 things to consider before selling your buy-to-let property

Planning on selling your buy-to-let property? Before you do, this article covers three things to consider.
BTL tax changes lead landlords to set up limited companies

More landlords are turning to limited companies to protect their buy-to-let investment profits as mortgage interest tax changes come into force.
Treasury figures demonstrates investor confidence

New figures released by the Treasury indicate that confidence in the buy-to-let market remains. Click here to read more.
What effect will the Bank of England’s new powers have on buy-to-let landlords

Discover some of the effects the Bank of England new powers will have on buy-to-let landlords.
One in four UK property purchases in third quarter of this year was buy-to-let or second home

Buy-to-let or second homes account for one in four property purchases in the third quarter of 2016.
Should I purchase a buy-to-let property in London?

I can afford to a buy-to-let investment in London, but should I go ahead with the purchase? Denhan Guaranteed Rent has the answer
An A-Z for buy-to-let landlords

We take look at the A-Z of being a landlord in London and point out how to avoid the many pain points it is possible to encounter.