Are you among the one in five private sector landlords who are too embarrassed to admit they provide a home for an estimated 4.3 million UK households?
New figures from the National Landlords Association reveals that in the UK as a whole, 21% of private sector landlords do not like to reveal how they either supplement their income or make a living from property.

That figure drops to 18% for south-east England, which includes London, according to the NLA’s poll of 777 residential property investors.
However, the findings indicate that approximately 400,000 of the UK’s 2 million landlords avoid telling people what they do.
The NLA says that despite the bad press that the private rented sector – including a recent court case involving two landlords in Hounslow who received heavy fines for allowing tenants to live in damp-riddled rooms without fire detectors – the majority of tenants are satisfied with their current landlord and tenancy.
The NLA’s own research shows 82% of tenants are satisfied with their landlord, while 83% are happy with the length of tenancy offered by their landlord.
These figures are backed up by the latest English Housing Survey, which also shows 82% of tenants in the private rented sector are satisfied with their accommodation, compared with 82% of social renters.
NLA chief executive Richard Lambert comments: “The number of people looking to invest in property is rising all the time yet the stigma attached to being a landlord never seems to diminish.
“It’s the minority of rogues and criminal landlords that make the headlines, and this has a negative impact on everyone else.
“The majority of landlords are hardworking individuals who put their own money into providing homes for others, and they should not be ashamed to say so.”
Denhan Guaranteed Rent echoes these sentiments. As the number of tenants in London increases, landlords provide a valuable social service.
The private rented sector not only accounts for 19% of all households, an 82% increase over the past 10 years, but 70% of tenants are now aged under 45.
However, the pressures placed on landlords in London is increasing all the time.
Tenant expectations are rising, particularly among young renters, while the amount of legislation that landlords must comply with is also growing.
From rules about gas safety, tenant deposits and the provision of Energy Performance Certificates for each rental property you own to Right To Rent laws, landlords can be overwhelmed by the legislative burden placed on them.
Denhan Guaranteed Rent has a surefire way of removing all of the hassle being a hands-on landlord can create, including the threat of void periods.
Our Guaranteed Rent Scheme gives you the peace of mind that your rental income will be paid every month for up to five years.
We agree an attractive market rental rate for your property, we find you a tenant and then we manage the property on your behalf.
You do not even need to provide an insurance policy because we underwrite our guarantee in-house.
Whether you own one or two properties or have 200 homes in your portfolio, our business is to help you maximise the return on your investment, with the added bonuses of guaranteed rent and the peace of mind to admit you are a landlord.
For more details, click on the banner below and enjoy up to five years of hassle-free rental property ownership.