From April 2018, new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) are being brought in, and the government has just issued full guidelines to inform landlords about the changes.

As of April 1st, a new tenancy cannot be given to a new or existing tenant if the rental property has an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of less than ‘E’. So, if the EPC states the property is ‘F’ or ‘G’ rated, then it cannot be let out for a new tenancy.
However, landlords with rental properties that are rated ‘E’ or above don’t need to make any changes where energy performance is concerned.
There are some exemptions, and the nature of these exemptions are clarified in greater detail inside the new guidelines document.
The other date for landlords to keep note of is April 1st 2020. From this date, landlords of domestic privately rented properties will not be able to continue letting a property with a rating of F or G to existing tenants.
Though this is another new regulation that landlords have to be prepared for, it is a positive development for both landlords and tenants.
Landlords can benefit from improving the energy efficiency of their properties in multiple ways. This includes making them easier to maintain, increasing their appeal to tenants, and boosting the property’s market value.
The new guidelines, issued by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, can be viewed HERE.
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