An increase in the number of homes for rent in London is being blamed for the first drop in agreed rents for new lets in nearly six years
A new study reveals that new lets in London were around £7 cheaper in July than a year earlier.

The last time rents inside the M25 recorded a year-on-year fall was in November 2010, when the average monthly rent in London was £923.
The new study reveals the current average monthly cost of new lets in London is £1280.
The drop in income generated by new lets is being blamed on landlords snapping up buy-to-let properties before the introduction of a 3% stamp duty surcharge on second homes in April.
The report points out that in the capital a third more houses and flats were available for rent in July when compared with 12 months earlier.
It adds that in the past 60 days, 14.1% of all properties withdrawn from the sales market in London have been listed for rent.
This has had a marked effect on landlords receiving more than their asking price.
In July 2015, 32% of tenants in London paid over the asking rent to secure a home compared with 11% in July 2016.
If you are a landlord concerned about your rental income, Denhan Guaranteed Rent has a solution.
Our Guaranteed Rent Scheme gives you the peace of mind that your rental income will be paid every month for up to five years.
We agree an attractive market rental rate for your property, we find you a tenant and then we manage the property on your behalf.
You do not need to provide an insurance policy because we underwrite our guarantee in-house.
Whether you own one or two properties or have 200 homes in your portfolio, our business is to help you maximise the return on your investment, with the added bonus of guaranteed rent.
For more information on rental values, click on the link below
Financial Times