Landlords in London are using the craze for playing location-based computer game Pokemon Go as a selling point for their rooms and flats.
They are including things like ‘Pokestop 30 seconds from the front door’ in descriptions of their properties in a bid to lure tenants.
Tenant Dylan Ford used a Pokemon Go reference in an ad to help his housemates rent out a room in West London.
The 28-year-old said: “We are targeting people in the age range that play Pokemon Go and it’s very attractive to them to have Pokestops nearby.
“If they know they can play the game close to the house maybe they’ll be more likely to rent the room out.”

Pokemon trainers can collect items like pokeballs, healing potions and eggs by spinning the Pokestop symbol, which refreshes every five minutes.
Pokestops are generally found at landmarks, community buildings or other places of interest.
Another example is a listing for a house in South London, which includes Pokemon in every picture of the property, demonstrating how easy it is to find them there.
A £900-a-month en suite double room in Canary Wharf also features the game in the description.
While other rooms in the block of flats are up for rent for around £800-a-month, the landlords increased the price because tenants would be able to collect items from a nearby Pokestop while lying in bed.
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Denhan Guaranteed Rent can give you a fixed monthly income for your rental property whether it is near a Pokestop or not. For more details, click on the banner below