59% of landlords remain confident in the buy-to-let market as a source of income, a new survey has revealed.
Property investment consultancy Knight Knox recently carried out a survey which polled 500 landlords from across the UK. Of those 500 landlords, only 11% said they had lost confidence in the market, while 30% said they were not sure.
The mood in the buy-to-let sector appears to be shifting all the time since the government introduced a series of tax and regulation changes, all of which are designed to slow buy-to-let activity. Some within the property industry are forecasting that more landlords will quit the market and sell their buy-to-let properties, especially those with less-established portfolios. So, these statistics are encouraging, despite London being a different story than elsewhere in the UK.
Knight Knox’s Commercial Director, Andy Phillips, said: “The results of our survey would suggest that, despite ostensibly damaging changes to the market over the last few years, landlords remain positive about the returns this asset class can generate.”
He continued: “Bricks and mortar is likely to remain one of the most stable investment options and has so far weathered the changes brought in by new legislation.”
With the number of people renting property expected to rise in the future, there is a real benefit to landlords remaining in the private rented sector.
Property remains a relatively safe long-term investment for landlords, and that view seems to hold fast for many buy-to-let investors.
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