Landlords confused about their fire safety obligations can now complete an interactive online course to help demystify fire safety legislation and keep their tenants safe.
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) launched a new course last month in response to increasing numbers of queries from landlords concerning fire safety and the precautions they need to take.
Landlords have an obligation to protect tenants when it comes to fire safety, and to make sure they are fulfilling their responsibilities while being aware of all the latest legislation.
RLA’s course trainer, Carrie Kus, said: “This course takes this complex area and breaks it down making it easy for the average landlord and managing agent to disseminate what they need to do to keep their tenants and their properties safe from fire.”
Kus continued: “Landlords have a legal obligation to protect tenants under fire safety regulations – particularly those with large or shared properties. It’s great to see that a little over half of our landlords have taken positive action in the last month alone. That’s good news for the private rented sector, and good news for tenants.”
The fire safety course will cover everything landlords need to know about fire safety, including the latest legislation, regulations for those with HMOs, and the rules surrounding the installation of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, as well as information on fire safety and carrying out fire risk assessments.
Both non-members and members of RLA can participate in the course, though the cost is slightly higher for non-members.
You can find further information about the course or sign up HERE.