Just like the politicians who supported Britain’s exit from the EU, Denhan Guaranteed Rent likes to shout about its success.
We’ve been helping hundreds of landlords and property investors to maximise their rental incomes from London properties since before the city elected its first mayor.
Denhan’s rent guarantee scheme not only gives you a regular return on your property investment, we remove all of the headaches associated with managing a rental home.

Our success is driven by a red Ferrari book.
The publication in question is called Power Listening: Mastering the Most Critical Business Skill of All and is the work of Bernard Ferrari. And yes, our copy does have a red cover.
We agree with the author – who is dean of Carey Business School at John Hopkins University in Baltimore in the US – when he says the best property firms recognise they cannot fulfill the aspirations of landlords without seeking out information from them and letting them know their input is invaluable.
When property professionals respect a landlord’s opinion, they’re more likely to share those views, which increases the likelihood of success.
That is what makes the property professionals at Denhan Guaranteed Rent different. We treat everybody who gets in touch with Denhan as individuals. We listen to your needs and use our experience and in-depth knowledge of property rental and management to maximise the income you receive from buy-to-let investments.
But last week we were taken aback. We had just gone through our business model to a landlord, including our rent guarantee scheme and explained that our dedication to maintaining excellent property standards ensures that Denhan’s occupancy rates are consistently high.
Our pitch ended with the promise: “We offer a completely personal and professional service that prioritises you and your property, treating each home as if it were our own.”
And added: “Denhan provides you with an assurance that we will pay your rental income for up to five years
The following response came back: “You’re just like We Buy Any Car.”
Denhan takes pride in listening to our clients and responding to their needs, but we couldn’t believe our ears by this statement.
The landlord said that We Buy Any Car takes all of the hassle out of selling a second-hand vehicle, but they offer you far less than what you could receive by handling the sales process yourself.
Denhan is not in the business of buying or selling cars, so we can’t comment on what offer We Buy Any Car would make for a second-hand vehicle.
But Denhan is similar to We Buy Any Car in that we take all the hassle out of managing any size of property portfolio, from a single flat to hundreds of houses.
Our Guaranteed Rent Scheme not only takes the hassle out of property management, the majority of our landlords earn above market rates on their rental homes.
No matter what type of property you own within the M25, from a flat above a shop to a multimillion pound luxury residence, Denhan will maximise its rental income and guarantee you a fixed monthly income for up to five years.
For more information on how Denhan can help you, click on the banner below.