Prospective tenants are likely to want to live in the best place they can afford. We all want to be comfortable in our homes, and so the feeling of space is important. But what if your property is on the smaller side? Well, this need not be an issue at all. The easiest way to achieve your goal is by making the most of the natural light.
If the property has a smaller interior or is surrounded by imposing buildings or tall trees which block out the light, it pays to make the best of the interior in order for rooms to appear larger.
The removal of any superfluous items – decluttering – is the most obvious way to create a feeling of more space. But we’ve got a few other ideas you might want to try to help make your property appear larger.
1) Stretching space with light
Introduce see-through furniture into the property. How about a glass side table or coffee table? Not only will it attract the light, enabling the room to appear brighter, but seeing the flooring through it will give the impression of space. Or you can hang mirrors on the walls, the larger the better, opposite windows. This means the light will shine onto them, reflecting it straight back into the room. Mirrors have a double purpose, too. Aside from seeing your reflection in them, they make the walls appear wider, which is helpful if your room is particularly narrow, and even give the feeling of another room being there. Don’t forget to light up those recesses either. A dark corner of the room can instead become a feature with a contemporary overhanging floor lamp.
2) Light and art
The amount of light coming into a room is important, so keep blinds up and curtains open during viewing sessions with potential tenants. For those tenants with a creative bent, give their eyes a treat with artwork on the walls. This will give the impression of a taller room while adding character to the space. Make sure any artwork complements the room’s décor. Go for taller pieces in a room with a low ceiling and wider artworks in taller properties as this will draw the eye towards the middle of the room. Emphasising the height of the room helps create extra vertical space, so taller people will appreciate it. For spaces with low-ceilings, keep light fittings close to their base and avoid hanging, chandelier-style lights.
3) Down and not-so-dirty
A good quality, hard-wearing carpet or wooden floor is an obvious choice for rooms expecting a heavy footfall, but choose coverings which have a paler, more neutral colour where practical, as it will lift the room instantly.
4) First impressions
Regarding the exterior of the property, first impressions do count. You can tidy the look of the exterior by removing excess foliage from walls and around the windows frames to give them the best chance of allowing light inside. Ensure the window frames and panes are clean too. If the guttering requires a spit and polish, or any of the paintwork requires a wash and brush-up, it is worth doing so, as prospective tenants will notice this. If the property has a garden or even a small yard, make sure there are a few well-positioned and appropriately placed pots on view filled with brightly coloured flowers. The autumn/winter seasons are a good time to utilise plants with brighter green leaves. This will enhance the neatness of the property and give it a cared for and welcoming appearance.
Ultimately, keeping the property looking its best is the way forward. Affordability is often key to maintaining the look you have achieved, but a little imagination and creative thinking is helpful too.